Malvern’s Multi-Verse with Pen2Paper

February 28, 2017 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Join us for a FREE monthly reading series, Malvern’s Multi-Verse, in which we explore the infinite possible (multi)verses of Austin’s boundless poetic universe!


Held on the fourth Tuesday of every month, Malvern’s Multi-Verse features readings from guest poets, plus a Q & A session. Space-time might be flat and stretch out infinitely, but Malvern’s Multi-Verse is well-rounded, lasts for about an hour, and includes free cookies! Yes indeed, it’s the best of all possible worlds…

This month we learn more about Pen2Paper, a disability-focused creative writing competition. Pen2Paper gives writers with disabilities a forum where they can share their work and brings awareness to disability issues through the arts. Pen2Paper also challenges all Texans of all ages to think, rethink, and express their stories, perspectives, fears, and discoveries about disability.

The Pen2Paper Creative Writing Contest calls upon established writers, novice writers, and writers who don’t yet know they ARE writers to enter pieces of fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and graphic narratives to the competition. Each year, entries are evaluated by a panel of volunteer judges, and prizes are awarded to the top entries in each category. Winners and selected honorable mentions are posted to Pen2Paper’s website. Local and state sponsors and volunteers help make the competition possible by contributing their time, expertise, products, services, and energy.

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