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September 23, 2016 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm
Get your cones ready for another round of Malvern Books’ FREE reading series, I SCREAM SOCIAL, hosted by Malvern’s own Annar Veröld and Schandra Madha, and featuring young women writers from the Austin community (and beyond!). This month’s I Screamers are Julie Howd, Claire Bowman, and Paz Pardo.
And did we mention the free cool confections from Amy’s Ice Cream & Sweet Ritual?
~7pm – Ice cream & Open Mic! Bring old stuff, new stuff, silly stuff, whatever stuff. Just read stuff to us.
~8pm – Let the reading begin!
Can’t make it this time around? No worries. I Scream Social is every month ’til the end of time.