John Campion Book Launch

December 21, 2018 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Join us in celebrating the launch of John Campion’s new poetry collection, Consilience.

John Campion is the author of numerous books of poetry, including his projected quincunx of five book-length poems. Among these, Tongue Stones (Austin Book Award; Violet Crown Award), Squaring, the Circle (Blue-Star Foundation Award—Art in Service to the Earth), Medusa, and Consilience (just published by The Open Theatre/Ecotropic Works). Campion has collaborated with important artists from around the world. With sculptor T.J. Mabrey, he created two award-winning installations: Floodstage at the Memory Theatre at Texas A&M (mirroring the precession of the equinox as drawn in ancient astronomy and myth); and more recently, migration metamorphosis symbiosis emergence (exploring ideas concerning identity and change). He is currently working with composer Cindy Cox on a large musical theater piece (On the Road to Xibalba), based upon the Maya myth of The Popol Vuh. Campion translated the first English version of Sor Juana Inés de la Cruz’ magnum opus, Primero Sueño (Thorp Springs Press, Austin). He has been a teacher for more than 40 years—at UT Austin, Austin Community College, and most recently at UC Berkeley. He currently lives in Oakland, CA.

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