Kathleen Peirce Book Launch

November 3, 2017 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Join us in celebrating the launch of Kathleen Peirce’s Vault. With readings from Kathleen and Lisa Olstein, and hosted by Cecily Parks.

Find here: poetry’s virtues/pleasures. Gorgeous witness. Silence muscled with qualities. Net of attentiveness rippling outward from the meeting of the seer and the seen. Kin to The Tempest: the wondrous woven of the mundane. The strength of purpose and hearkening needed to walk in beauty’s strangeness. Its sensuousness; its intimacy (especially with necessity) that supples its language. Patience of soul spun into physical brilliance. Time present and antique, interior and exterior, “feather of hair in one hand, / scissors in another, not the heart / beating but what might return over the heart.” These are the most beautiful poems I know. —Liz Waldner

Vault is Kathleen Peirce’s fifth book of poetry. Previous work has been awarded The AWP Award for Poetry, The Iowa Prize, and The William Carlos Williams Award. Her writing has been supported by the National Foundation for the Arts, The Giles Whiting Foundation, and the John Simon Guggenheim Foundation. A member of the faculty with Texas State’s MFA program in Creative Writing since 1993, she lives in Wimberley.

Lisa Olstein is the author of four poetry collections, most recently Late Empire (October 2017). Recipient of a Pushcart Prize, the Hayden Carruth Award, a Lannan Literary Residency, an Essay Press chapbook prize, and fellowships from the Sustainable Arts Foundation, Centrum, and the Massachusetts Cultural Council, she currently serves as a member of the poetry faculty at the University of Texas at Austin.

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