Join us for an evening with writers Lauren Becker, Josh Denslow, and Tyler Gobble. Lauren will read from her new short story collection, If I Would Leave Myself Behind, and sign copies of the book.
Lauren Becker recently moved to Austin from Oakland, California. She has worked as an attorney, a health care policy analyst and advocate, a freelance writer, and a disability specialist. Her fiction has appeared at Tin House online, Hobart, the Los Angeles Review, Pedestal Magazine, Wigleaf, [PANK], and NANO Fiction. Her non-fiction has been featured on The Rumpus and The Nervous Breakdown. She is editor of the online literary journal, Corium Magazine.
Josh Denslow’s stories have appeared in Third Coast, Black Clock, Cutbank, Pear Noir!, and Wigleaf, among others. He is a staff editor at SmokeLong Quarterly and an Associate Editor at Unstuck. He has written and directed five short films, and he plays the drums in the band Borrisokane.
Tyler Gobble is a proud Hoosier in Austin, TX. He runs the Everything is Bigger reading series at Malvern Books, and his first book will be out from Coconut Books in the fall. He likes bacon, disc golf, and tank tops, in no particular order. More at