Monty Jones Book Launch

February 24, 2019 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm

Join us in celebrating the launch of Monty Jones’ poetry collection, Cracks in the Earth.

A Preference for Pears

The painters know
what they’re looking at,
what their eyes are seized by,
the aureate reds and yellows
of a pear amid three apples,
or a pear and two plums.

For those who need a story
they can be forbidden or stolen,
endowed with magic power,
sacred to Aphrodite,
conducive to long life.

One taste enough to awaken you,
new knowledge giving you ideas,
a bare shoulder, a swelling hip.

Sometimes the pear
will lie hidden, almost
forgotten in the crowded bowl,
almost overcome by the plenty
of ornate and orotund fruit,
only glimpsed where it shoved
its way into a share of the light,
the eyes drawn toward it
by the preference for pears.

Monty Jones is an Austin writer. He has worked as a teacher, a newspaper reporter, and a university public affairs official. He also is the author of two works of non-fiction, A Civic Entrepreneur: The Life of Technology Visionary George Kozmetsky, and, with William H. Cunningham, The Texas Way: Money, Power, Politics and Ambition at the University, both published by the Briscoe Center for American History at UT Austin.


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