Suspense & Speculation: A Multi-Genre Book Club

August 15, 2021 @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

We’d like to invite you to join our Suspense & Speculation Book Club, a group for those of you interested in reading and discussing our mystery, suspense, and sci-fi/fantasy titles.

This meeting will take place virtually via Zoom. If you’d like to join in the online chat, PLEASE RSVP with “suspense book club” in the subject line. The book can be purchased via our online store, or call us on 512-322-2097 to arrange curbside pick up or for an appointment to visit.

This month’s title is Pull Me Under by Kelly Luce.

Kelly Luce’s Pull Me Under “is a suspense novel with a female protagonist that gets more right about women than so many others I’ve read in the past few years” (NPR).
Luce tells the story of Rio Silvestri, who, when she was twelve years old, fatally stabbed a school bully. Rio, born Chizuru Akitani, is the Japanese American daughter of the revered violinist Hiro Akitani–a Living National Treasure in Japan and a man Rio hasn’t spoken to since she left her home country for the United States (and a new identity) after her violent crime. Her father’s death, along with a mysterious package that arrives on her doorstep in Boulder, Colorado, spurs her to return to Japan for the first time in twenty years. There she is forced to confront her past in ways she never imagined, pushing herself, her relationships with her husband and daughter, and her own sense of who she is to the brink.

Join Zoom Meeting:

Meeting ID: 837 8338 4810
Passcode: 353443

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