Join us for a reading with Texas State University faculty members. Featured readers include Steve Wilson, Kathleen Peirce, Roger Jones, John Blair, and Cecily Parks.
Steve Wilson’s poetry has appeared in journals and anthologies nationwide, as well as in four collections, the most recent titled Lose to Find. His new collection, The Reaches, is due out in November.
Kathleen Peirce is the author of Vault, The Ardors, The Oval Hour, Divided Touch/Divided Color, and Mercy. Among her awards are The Iowa Prize, a Whiting Award, The William Carlos Williams Award, and The AWP Prize. A fellow with The Guggenheim Foundation and The National Endowment for the Arts, she’s been teaching at Texas State University since 1993.
John Blair has published six books, most recently Playful Song Called Beautiful (University of Iowa Press, 2016), and is the recipient of multiple literary awards, including The Drue Heinz Literature Prize and the Iowa Poetry Prize. He directs the undergraduate creative writing program at Texas State University.
Cecily Parks is the author of the poetry collections Field Folly Snow and O’Nights, and editor of the anthology The Echoing Green: Poems of Fields, Meadows, and Grasses. She teaches at Texas State University.