A Musical Afternoon with Jackson Emmer & Alison May

November 8, 2014 @ 2:00 pm – 5:00 pm

Stop by Malvern Books to enjoy an afternoon of folk/experimental country music with musicians Jackson Emmer and Alison May.

Jackson EmmerJackson Emmer is an American Folk and Experimental Country composer, known mostly for his songwriting, unique vocal style, and dynamic performances. Emmer also plays the guitar, mandolin, and banjos. A prolific DIY artist, Emmer has self-released 21 records since 2007, both solo, and with old-time band The Howling Kettles. He collaborates frequently with Alison May, and performs with the group Hot Eagle. Emmer was born in Chicago, but raised in California and Colorado.

Alison MayAlison May is a folk singer, song writer, and multi-instrumentalist who has been performing, writing and recording out of Oakland, CA since leaving her native Texas in 2012. In 2013, May promoted the release of her first album, Earnest Keep, with two regional tours through the South and Midwest, one of which was by way of Amtrak train. May’s latest album is called Loved/Dark.

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