An Afternoon with Angela Genusa & Stephen McLaughlin

May 31, 2015 @ 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm

Join us for an afternoon with conceptual poets Angela Genusa and Stephen McLaughlin.

Conceptual poetry is an early 21st century literary movement, self-described by its practitioners as an act of “uncreative writing.” In conceptual poetry, appropriation is often used as a means to create new work, focused more on the initial concept rather than the final product of the poem. In its extreme form, such works are process-oriented and non-expressive.

AngelaAngela Genusa is a writer and artist, formerly of Austin, Texas. She is the author of THRONE (publisher TBA, 2015), No Expert (publisher TBA, 2015); Twentysix Gasoline Station Prices (TBA, 2015); Composition (Gauss PDF, 2014), Twentysix Wikipedia Articles (PediaPress, 2013), Musée du Service des Objets Trouvés (PediaPress, 2013), and Spam Bibliography (Troll Thread, 2013), among others. Her writing and art has been published in Action Yes Quarterly, The Claudius AppMcSweeney’sThe Continental Review, Printed Web #2, West Wind Review, and WORK, among others. Her work has been featured in Jacket2, Frieze Magazine, and The New Yorker, and has been exhibited in SLOPES Gallery in Melbourne, Australia. Her work has been anthologized in &NOW Awards Vol. 3 (Northwestern University Press) and Best American Experimental Writing 2014. She is a member of Collective Task: Cycle 4, an international group of artists and writers with over 35 participants. Some excerpts of her two of her forthcoming books are published in Printed Web #3.


Stephen McLaughlin is a PhD student at the School of Information at UT Austin and a senior editor at the PennSound poetry archive. His work has appeared in Jacket2, Gauss PDF, The Volta Blog, and Against Expression: An Anthology of Conceptual Writing. Steve hosts the podcast “Into the Field,” a series of interviews with poets.

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