An Afternoon with Fani Papageorgiou

September 13, 2015 @ 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm

Join us for an afternoon with acclaimed poet Fani Papageorgiou, who will be reading from her latest collection, Not So Ill with You & Me. Fani will be joined on our stage by poets Taisia Kitaiskaia and Kurt Heinzelman (left to right, below).

Fani and Co

Fani Papageorgiou studied History of Science at Harvard and Law at the University of Edinburgh. Her collection of poems, When You Said No, Did You Mean Never?, received the Hong Kong Poetry Prize and was translated into Spanish. Her second book, Not So Ill with You & Me, was published in the UK in May of this year. Her book reviews have appeared in the Economist, the Times Literary Supplement, and FT Weekend.

Taisia Kitaiskaia’s poems have appeared or are forthcoming in Pleiades, jubilat, Guernica, The Missouri Review, Juked, Gulf Coast, West Branch, Phantom Limb, Fence, and elsewhere. She has been nominated for a Pushcart Prize and the Best New Poets 2015 anthology, and her manuscript, “Hello My Unspeakable Name,” was a finalist for the 2015 Southern Voices Poetry Prize and the 2015 Cleveland State University Poetry Center’s First Book Poetry Competition. Recipient of a Michener Center for Writers fellowship, she is the current managing editor of Bat City Review.

Kurt Heinzelman is a poet, translator, scholar, and editor. His latest book of poems, his fourth, is Intimacies & Other Devices (2013). Demarcations (2011) is his translation of Jean Follain’s 1953 volume of poetry Territoires. He was founding co-editor of The Poetry Miscellany and is currently Advisor and Editor-at-Large for Bat City Review and Editor-in-Chief of Texas Studies in Literature and Language (TSLL). He is also an Honorary Professor at Swansea University (Wales).

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