Emil Kresl Book Launch

December 18, 2015 @ 7:00 pm – 8:00 pm

Join us in celebrating the launch of Emil Kresl’s debut novel, On Cedar Hill.

Emil KEmil Kresl was born and raised in Minneapolis, MN, before going off to college in Madison, WI. He paid his way through college tending bar and cleaning up apartments after rent-jumpers. After college he tried a stint working in politics, but opted to return to running a bar where colleagues are loyal, the excitement is frequent, and the stories slightly less absurd.

After Madison, it was off to Hollywood where he learned about screenplays and swimming in the Pacific. Then a couple years later, he went off to Austin, Texas, to see what all the fuss was about. There he found the best swimming water he had ever seen. He also got to work with some of the best storytellers around, found the love of his life, and helped bring into this world a human of astonishing beauty, wisdom, and good humor.

To put food on the table, Emil helps people find happiness and fulfillment by contributing in a meaningful way to the world around them, which is not a bad way to collect a paycheck. In addition to doing all that other stuff like writing, being a dad, and consulting, he studies public policy and community planning, two things that hold the secret to making this world a better place (along with laughter, stories, and swimming).

3 thoughts on “Emil Kresl Book Launch

  1. Wish I could be there, Emil. I did buy your book but have not read it. I’m saving it for a calmer time of year. Congratulations to you, dear one. LUV

  2. I came across your book in Malvern Books and read it in two days. I loved it. I didn’t want to leave Cedar Hill! In the middle of the last paragraph I stopped reading. I was stunned! I’m so sorry I missed your appearance in December!

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