HALLOWEEN EDITION: Get your spook on with us at this month’s I Scream. Come in costume, and you could win some awesome prizes. Not that you need an excuse to wear costumes in October, am I right?
Get your cones ready for another installment of Malvern Books’ newest FREE reading series, I SCREAM SOCIAL, hosted by Malvern’s own Annar Veröld & Schandra Madha.
Featuring young women poets and fiction writers from the Austin community, this month’s I Screamers are Layne Ransom, Stephanie Goehring, and Abbey Mei Otis. They’re all rock stars, and we’re thrilled to be featuring them.
Following the reading, there will be a (mic-less) open mic. Bring old stuff, new stuff, silly stuff, whatever stuff. Just read stuff to us.
And did we mention the free cool confections from Amy’s Ice Cream? And the photo booth? Oh yeah, it’s gonna be good. Can’t make it this time around? No worries. I Scream Social is every fourth Friday ’til the end of time.