Join us for the twelfth event in our Novel Night series, a monthly celebration of all things prose! Here’s how it works: two published authors will read from their books and there’ll be an audience Q & A. We’ll then have an open mic for writers who have signed up to read from their unpublished short stories or novels. And finally, we’ll have “Book Talk,” in which an intrepid Malvern staff member will introduce you to one of our favorite prose titles and invite questions from the audience. Also worth noting: there will be snacks!
This month’s readers will be Dana Barney (below left) and Mark Falkin (below right). Dana will be reading from his novel Flatline, and Mark will be reading from Contract City.
Dana Barney is a Bostonian turned Los Angeleno turned Austinite with a strong proclivity for the absurd and conspiratorial. He has a BA in writing from Bennigton College. He enjoys exploring the underlying, and sometimes inevitable, dark side of every day life. He lives in Austin, TX with his wife and two daughters.