The Lion & The Pirate Virtual Open Mic (Captioned)

January 2, 2021 @ 7:00 pm – 8:30 pm

Ready for the Lion & Pirate in 2021? We are! Start the new year off with your inclusive open mic pals (and tell Laura happy birthday)!

We’ll start with two featured readers, and then it will be your time to shine. As always, we’re open to work in any genre: music, spoken word, improv, skits, storytelling, dance, poems or prose… anything you can perform!

Accessibility adventure note: we’ll be using Rev for closed captions during the event. Rev isn’t great for music, so we’ll screen-share the lyrics of anything musical. You can still see the performer during songs, just follow these instructions for side-by-side screen sharing: (and let us know if you have questions).

Zoom Info:
Meeting ID: 853 2311 8334
Password: 146923

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